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Community Right to Bid

Assets of community value

The Localism Act 2011 introduced a new Community Right referred to as the Community Right to Bid which allows town and parish councils and defined community groups to ask the council to list certain assets as being of community value.

The Community Right to Bid helps local community groups to preserve buildings or land which are important to their community's social well-being. With Right to Bid when a listed asset comes up for sale there is a delay in the sale process. This delay should give an increased chance for the local community to bid to buy the asset.

Nominating an asset of community value

A community nomination can be made by a parish or town council or a voluntary or community body with a local connection.

Expression of interest to purchase an asset of community value

The owner of a building or land that is listed as an Asset of Community Value must notify the council when they intend to sell or lease the property (unless an exemption applies). The council will update the website list with the intended sale, inform the nominating organisation and publicise the sale in the local community. Any eligible community interest group that is interested in making a bid must write to us within six weeks of our receipt of the owner's notification of their planned sale. Here is the form to complete and return:

If we do not receive a request within six weeks, the owner can proceed with the sale or lease. If we do receive a request, the owner cannot sell or lease the land for six months, giving time for any community interest group(s) to prepare a bid. The owner does not have to sell to a community interest group but if they choose to do so, the sale can take place during the moratorium.

List of assets of community value

The list of assets of community value details the successful and unsuccessful community asset nominations. For each asset, the list sets out a range of information that is defined in the Assets of Community Value Regulations.

Property address Date of
decision to list
Date listing
will expire
(5 years)
Current status

Gardiner Arms
93 Medcroft Road
OX5 3AH (Title Number: ON343805)

05/05/2023 04/05/2028

Receipt of Asset Disposal Notice: 11 April 2023

Full Moratorium End Date: 10 October 2023

Protected Period End Date: 10 October 2024

Land on the North side of 93 Medcroft Road, Tackley, Kidlington, OX5 3AH (Also Known As The Function Room Parking Area and Garden – Title Number: ON155689) 05/05/2023 04/05/2028  
Long Hanborough - public open space adjacent to Riely Close (incorporating skate park and
BMX facility)
Land Registry Title
Number ON284881
18/06/2020 17/06/2025  
Rose & Crown
OX18 4AB
17/08/2020 16/08/2025  
The White Horse
The Ridings
OX29 8EA
25/01/2021 24/01/2026 Date of receipt of disposal notice: 26/04/2022
Interim moratorium end date: 07/06/2022
Potential full moratorium end date: 26/10/2022
Protected period end date: 26/10/2023

Cassington Allotments
The Green
OX29 4DN

Land Registry Title Number: ON296952

28/01/2021 27/01/2026  
Fox Inn, 27 Enstone Road, Middle Barton, Chipping Norton, OX7 7BL (Title Number: ON140478)



Date of receipt of disposal notice: 27 June 2023; Interim moratorium end date: 8 August 2023; Full moratorium end date: 27 December 2023; Protected period ends: 27 December 2024

Clanfield Village Recreation Ground and Playing Fields incorporating Children’s Play Park (Also Known As Land lying to the north of Mill Lane, Clanfield, Bampton – Title Number: ON341267)




Land on the north side of Ascott Road, Shipton Under Wychwood, Chipping Norton (Also Known as The Glebe land, Ascott Road, Shipton-Under-Wychwood – Title Number: ON274164) 




The Hand and Shears, Church Hanborough, Witney, OX29 8AB 



Date of receipt of disposal notice: 1 October 2024

Full Moratorium End Date: 31 March 2025

Protected Period ends: 31 March 2026

The Plough Inn, Main Road, Alvescot, OX182PU




The Five Alls, Filkins, Lechlade, OX14 4RZ




The Cock Inn, The Green, Combe, Witney, Oxon, OX29 8NT




List of unsuccessful nominations

Ref Property address Date of decision  Reason for decision
The Hand and Shears, Church Hanborough, Witney, OX29 8AB
13/10/2020 Insufficient evidence to satisfy the assessment as to whether the property furthers the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community and thereby meets the definition of an Asset of Community Value as set out in the statutory tests at Section 88(1) (a) and (b) of the Localism Act 2011.