Report a change in circumstances
It is important to let us know of any changes that could affect the amount of Council Tax you have to pay. Examples of changes you need to let us know about are:
- someone moves into the property
- someone moves out of the property
- a household member changes their name, for example, after marriage
- a household member becomes 18 years old
- you think you are entitled to a discount or exemption
- you think you are no longer entitled to a discount or exemption
- you change address
- any other changes you think we should know about.
Moving house
Let us know if you are going to be moving.
Moving within or out of the West Oxfordshire area
If you are moving in to our district please read our register to vote and bins and recycling pages.
Inform us of other changes
Report a change in benefit circumstancesChange of bank account details for direct debit
If you need to change the bank account details for your direct debit complete the form
Update your bank detail or payment method online