Historic parks and gardens
Parks and gardens of special historic interest are registered by English Heritage in a similar way to buildings of architectural or historic interest.
There are 16 parks and gardens of special historic interest in West Oxfordshire, including internationally important landscapes at Blenheim and Rousham:
Parks and gardens of special historic interest | Grade |
Blenheim | Grade-I |
Chastleton | Grade-II* |
Cornbury | Grade-II* |
Cornwell | Grade-II* |
Ditchley | Grade-II* |
Eynsham | Grade-II |
Great Tew | Grade-II |
Heythrop | Grade-II* |
Kelmscott | Grade-II |
Kiddington | Grade-II |
Rousham | Grade-I |
Sandford | Grade-II |
Sarsden | Grade-II* |
Shipton | Grade-II |
Swerford | Grade-II |
Tackley | Grade-II* |
Development will not be permitted that adversely affects the character, setting, amenities, historical context or views within, into or from a park or Garden of historic interest. Applications involving a park or garden of historic interest will need consultation with Historic England, and possibly other consultees (such as the Garden History Society).
World Heritage Sites
The international importance of Blenheim Palace and its landscape is recognised in its designation as a World Heritage Site. This confirmation of its exceptional interest will be reflected in any proposals that might affect Blenheim Palace or its landscape.
Scheduled Ancient Monuments (SAMs)
In West Oxfordshire there are 146 nationally important archaeological sites known as SAMs, including both well known sites, such as the Rollright Stones and Minster Lovell Hall, and less visible above and below ground archaeology.
Scheduled Monument Consent (SMC) is required before any works can be carried out which would have any material or visual impact upon a SAM or its setting. To find out more and apply visit the Historic England website
Before submitting an application involving works to a SAM, you are strongly advised to discuss your proposals with both English Heritage and the County Archaeologist.