We are aware that some of these documents are not fully accessible. If you would like more information about the financial statements contact customer.services@westoxon.gov.uk.
Finance and expenditure
It is important that residents can see how their taxes are being spent. Here you can read our statements of accounts, staffing details, monthly spending data, purchasing card expenditure and our medium term financial plan.
The annual statement of accounts reports on our financial position at the end of the year and transactions during the year.
Staff and management structure
From 1 November 2017, most West Oxfordshire District Council staff transferred to Publica Group Ltd who now provide services on the council’s behalf. A small number of staff continue to be employed by the council:
- Chief Executive - Giles Hughes
Interim Director of Finance - James Howse
Director of Governance - Andrea McCaskie
Pay structure
As of 1 April 2023 the rates were:
- Chief Executive (Head of Paid Service) = £102,000
- Director of Governance = £85,000
- Director of Finance (Section 151 Officer) = £85,000
The annual pay award for 2022/2023 was agreed as £1,925 for West Oxfordshire District Council plus an additional day of annual leave.
Publica Group Ltd is a local authority owned company created by Cheltenham Borough, Cotswold, Forest of Dean and West Oxfordshire District Councils. Its purpose is to transform the way local services are delivered to communities through innovation and to set the standard for all councils in the future.
Monthly expenditure data (council spending)
The government's transparency programme holds public bodies to account, delivering better value for money in public spending and helping to cut the record deficit. The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government requests that all local councils publish details of all their supplier spending over £500. We are required to publish data in CSV files, on a monthly basis, no later than 30 days after the month end. The data is made available for use under the terms of the Open Government Licence.
Purchase card expenditure data
Council staff hold a number of purchasing cards for emergency use or for making purchases when no other method of payment is accepted.