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Future Executive decisions - the executive forward plan

Agendas for Executive meetings

The agendas for Executive meetings are on the council meetings and minutes page five working days before the meeting and include:

  • the further notice needed for any agenda items recommended to be considered in private session
  • matters that are not defined as key decisions, where known, to make sure that there is openness about the Executive's business and decision making
  • names and responsibilities of the current members of the Executive.

Any exceptions to the notice requirements are listed on this page.

Key decisions

Key decisions are those which:

  • are financially significant for the service or function concerned so either commits the Council to spending more than £150,000 or would result in savings of greater than £150,000
  • will have a significant impact on two or more wards in the District if any of the Head of Paid Service, the Strategic Director (Resources) or the Monitoring Officer consider that the decision will fall within the statutory definition.

The most recent notices of key decisions are part of our Executive Work Programmes.

Executive Work Programmes

A likely decision date is shown, for information about a rescheduled decision email or call Committee Services on 01993 861523.

Government regulations

Under Government regulations, we must:

  • publish a notice containing information about any key Executive decision which is to be taken, 28 clear days before the date of the decision
  • publish a notice 28 clear days in advance of Executive or an individual member of Executive considering a matter in private session (which is after having passed a resolution to exclude the public on one or more of the statutory grounds for doing so)
  • publish a further notice five clear days before the meeting in question in relation to any private session items.

Statutory Notices