So that we know whether our plans and policies are having the desired effect, we are required to produce regular monitoring reports. As well as looking at the impact of policies, the monitoring report also considers whether the LDF timetable is being achieved.
Local development framework
The Local Development Framework (LDF) is a set of spatial planning strategy documents which will guide future development in West Oxfordshire. It includes the Local Plan.
We have developed a timetable for preparing the local plan and other documents under the Local Development Framework. This is known as the Local Development Scheme (LDS) and was most recently updated in November 2024.
The Statement of Community Involvement sets out what we are doing to engage and consult with residents and businesses. The Statement of Community Involvement was updated in February 2025.
Housing Land Supply Position Statement
Our housing land supply position statement explains which new housing sites are expected to come forward in the five year period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2028, and how this compares to the required number of homes. It demonstrates that we are currently able to demonstrate a 5.4 year supply of deliverable housing sites.
Strategic housing and economic land availability assessment
We have to prepare a strategic housing and economic land availability assessment (SHELAA) which assesses the potential suitability of land within the district for housing and economic development.
Our most recent SHELAA was published in December 2016 in support of the proposed changes to the Local Plan.
This included sites that were submitted to us through the ‘Call for Sites’ and sites identified by us.
Previous reports are also available to download.