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West Oxfordshire Executive 2024


Role of an Executive member

Executive members are responsible for:

  • leading on developing council policy and make recommendations to the Executive
  • providing guidance to the Executive on developments within the portfolio
  • giving guidance to the Executive on budget priorities
  • monitoring performance and make sure policy is delivered
  • leading on improving council services
  • making sure that activities meet the council's overall vision, core values and guiding principles
  • contributing to debate and decision-making
  • working with councillors who are not members of the Executive, members of the opposition and officers to make sure that the overview and scrutiny process works correctly
  • appearing before and responding to overview and scrutiny committee reports
  • representing the council at a national and local level

Each Executive member is the spokesperson for the policy area or 'portfolio' they are responsible for.

Andy Graham - Leader of the Council

Cllr Andy Graham

His portfolio responsibilities are:

  • Overview of all Executive Portfolios;
  • Policy Framework;
  • Town and Parish Council Engagement;
  • Council Plan; Strategic Partnerships (including Pan Regional Partnership, Future Oxfordshire, South East Councils and OXLEP);
  • Oxfordshire Leaders; Publica and Partnerships Authorities and Ubico;
  • Democratic Services;
  • Communications;
  • Legal Services;
  • Counter Fraud;
  • Emergency Planning;
  • Assets of Community Value.

Duncan Enright - Deputy Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Economic Development

Cllr Duncan Enright

His portfolio responsibilities are:

  • Economic Development;
  • Business Development;
  • Visitor Economy;
  • Town and Village Regeneration;
  • Customer Services.

Alaric Smith - Executive Member for Finance

Profile photo of Cllr Alaric Smith

His portfolio responsibilities are:

  • Finance & Management;
  • Council Tax and Benefits;
  • Asset Management;
  • South West Audit Partnership;
  • Performance Management;
  • Capital Investment Strategy;
  • Strategic Housing Investment;
  • Financial Aspects of Major Projects;
  • Customer Services.

Hugo Ashton - Executive Member for Planning

Hugo Ashton

His portfolio responsibilities are:

  • Local Plan;
  • Government Planning Policies and Guidance;
  • Development Management;
  • Ensuring Planning Policies meet 2030 Requirements;
  • Customer Services.

Rizvana Poole - Executive Member for Stronger, Healthy Communities

Rizvana Poole

Her portfolio responsibilities are:

  • Voluntary Sector Engagement;
  • Health and Safety;
  • Community and Public Health;
  • Refugee Resettlement Programme;
  • Young People;
  • Equality and Diversity;
  • Customer Services.

Geoff Saul - Executive Member for Housing and Social Care

Councillor Geoff Saul

His portfolio responsibilities are:

  • Housing Allocations;
  • Homelessness;
  • Provision of Affordable Homes;
  • Sheltered Housing Accommodation;
  • Safeguarding – Community Safety Partnership;
  • Crime and Disorder; Neighbourhood Policing;
  • Scrutiny of Police and Crime Commissioner.

Lidia Arciszewska - Executive Member for Environment

Cllr Lidia Arciszewska

Her portfolio responsibilities are:

  • Flood Alleviation and Sewage;
  • Environmental Partnerships – WASP and Evenlode;
  • North East Cotswold Cluster;
  • Waste Collection and Recycling;
  • Landscape and Biodiversity;
  • Conservation and Historic Environment;
  • Air Quality;
  • Land, Food and Farming;
  • Customer Services Delivery.

Andrew Prosser - Executive Member for Climate Action and Nature Recovery

His portfolio responsibilities are:

  • Energy Advice;
  • Renewable Energy and RetroFit Investment;
  • Biodiversity (Across the District);
  • Carbon Neutral by 2030;
  • Fossil Fuel Dependence Reduction;
  • Local, National and County Liaison on Climate Change;
  • Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Rollout.

Tim Sumner - Executive Member for Leisure and Major Projects

Councillor tim sumner

His portfolio responsibilities are:

  • Street Scene (Cleansing, Litter and Grounds Maintenance);
  • Leisure Provision (including Swimming Pools);
  • Culture and Heritage;
  • Public Art;
  • Agile Working;
  • Car Parking;
  • Customer Services.