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Request bins and recycling containers

You can order a bin or a recycling container if yours is damaged or lost using our online form below. 

You must be subscribed to the garden waste service to receive a replacement garden waste bin.

You can also inform us if you need a bin or container collected due to it no longer being required.

As standard, each household has one general waste bin, one blue lidded recycling bin, one recycling box, one external food caddy and one internal kitchen food caddy. See the what to put in your bin section for details on what goes in each container.

Containers are usually delivered within 30 working days of being ordered. Bins/containers to be replaced or collected will need to be left as close to the kerbside as possible and accessible to the crew with immediate effect.

Please note that this form is for domestic customers only. For business waste please click here.

Order online

Bin or recycling container request form

Just moved in and have no bins or containers

You will need to ensure you are registered for Council Tax at the property before ordering.

If you have just moved into a new build property and have no containers, you can order a new set via our form. We will not deliver bins to empty properties.

New build container request form

Extra refuse bin or sacks / additional capacity

The following households may be eligible for an extra bin if:

  • there are 6 or more permanent residents living at the address
  • they produce a large volume of non infectious healthcare waste such as swabs, incontinence pads or dressings
  • there are 2 children (under the age of 4 years old) who are using nappies, living with 2 or more adults

A larger bin is only for those in genuine need. We expect you to make every effort to recycle your waste before making this request. If granted, checks may be made by us on your ongoing need and suitability for the service.

You will need to inform us of any future changes in circumstances. We maintain the right to downsize or remove containers if we find the need is no longer required. We reserve the right to request proof of eligibility for this service at any time. 

Additional capacity request form

Extra rubbish

If you have a temporary need to dispose of extra waste, you can take it to Dix Pit Household waste and recycling centre. Our bulky waste service can also assist with large item collections.