Our sitemap
Council Tax and benefits
Bins and recycling
Planning and building
Wildlife and biodiversity
Building regulations
Street naming and numbering
Community Infrastructure Levy
Planning policy
Local land charges
Planning permission
Article 4 directions
Historic buildings and conservation
Community led planning
West Oxfordshire interactive maps
Business and licensing
Business rates and rate relief
Apply or renew licences and permits
Pavement licence
Licensing Public Register
Taxi and private hire licensing
Alcohol and entertainment
Animal licences
Caravan and campsites
Street trading and markets
Charity collections
Scrap metal
Sex establishments
Organising public events
Acupuncture, tattooing, piercing, electrolysis
Business services
Business support and advice
Tenders and contracts
About the council
Elections and voting
Councillors and committees
Plans and policies
Council performance and spending
Council data and information
Having your say
The Leader of the Council
Parish and town councils
Oxfordshire County Council
Council functions and responsibilities
Booking our community spaces
Landscape and grounds maintenance
Fly tipping
Noise, pests, pollution and air quality
Litter, street cleaning and dog fouling
Climate action
How to achieve net zero carbon homes
Climate action and what we are doing
Climate change strategy
Our route to carbon neutral
Energy efficiency, advice and grants
Electric vehicle charging points
Renewable energy
Enhancing our natural capital
Climate action through planning
Climate action you can take
Climate and Nature action bulletin
Single use plastics
Pathways to a Zero Carbon Oxfordshire
Coronation Community Orchard Scheme
Animals and wildlife
Food hygiene complaints
Private water supplies
Abandoned vehicles
Public health funerals
Communities and leisure
Parking, travel and visitors
Popular pages
Make a payment
Report it
Contact us
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Our sitemap